If you have been a sufferer of chronic back pain for any length of time you have, no doubt, heard of methadone used for chronic back pain. You may have tried many different medications in your quest for good health. When doctors prescribe medications, they have no way of knowing if they will work to help you or what reactions your body may have from the drug. It is almost like a trial and error, with the doctor trying things until they find something that works well for you.
Methadone used for chronic back pain has a good success rate when used as prescribed. It is, however, a drug that is often misunderstood and, therefore, not prescribed that often. Methadone, also referred to as Dolophine, is a narcotic pain medication used for pain ranging from medium to severe. Besides hearing about methadone used for chronic back pain, it is also used for treating a patient with morphine addiction.
Methadone used for chronic back pain may be in the form of an oral medication of used in an IV form. When it’s given as an oral dosage, some of it is stored in the liver for a later time when it is used. When given in the form of an IV, it has much the same characteristics as heroin. One positive factor when you have methadone used for chronic pain is the sufferer is often capable of going about his normal active life without having cravings such as they would have if they were taking morphine for the pain. This is a main reason why many doctors and patients prefer methadone used for chronic back pain versus morphine.
Methadone has been used as a medication for detox purposes and because of this reputation, many doctors and patients are leery when they hear of methadone used for chronic back pain, in spite of it ability to help with the pain. You have to go to either a hospital or doctor’s office to get a prescription for the dosage of methadone used for chronic back pain. It is very good for this type of pain because it’s a long acting pain reliever as opposed to the types of pain relievers that only relieve pain on a temporary basis. This is why it is recommended more for chronic back pain instead of acute back pain. It stays in the system longer than many drugs so you wouldn’t want to use it for short term pain.
Patients that experimented with methadone used for chronic back pain claimed it was very successful when they realized what dosage their body required for pain relief.