In Bernard Schatz’s highly significant book, Chronic Pain Self-treatment, Including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome–The Schatz Techniqueâ„¢-Chronic Pain Prevention and Treatment Method, an entire nation of pain sufferers is given hope…and the possibility of a...
Everything You Wanted to Know About the Back: A Consumers Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Back Pain
Wear and tear erodes your joints and stiffens your ligaments and tendons. It’s the main reason many of us feel old and creaky. Bestselling author Dr. Bob Arnot designed a revolutionary program to overcome his own advanced case of wear and tear, one that had led...
What medical means exist to lessen physical pain? What psychological techniques will help? And what part does faith play? From years of study, Siang-Yang Tan gathers data and offers strategies for coping with pain that cannot be altogether eliminated. It offers...
Lack of appreciation and knowledge of the malalignment syndrome often leads to a failure to notice the possible aetiological or predisposing factors contributing to many musculoskeletal problems. Recognition of the syndrome by physicians, chiropractors, osteopaths,...