People used herbs for medical problems long before there was such as thing as medical drugs. Even today, herbs are a common element used in Native American Indian, naturopathic, homeopathic, and oriental medicine. Approximately a quarter of the prescription drugs today are of herbal origin, containing one or more active plant material ingredients. Some of them use plant extracts or ingredients synthesized to imitate natural plants. Many people suffering from right side neck pain have found that herbs help reduce their neck pain and inflammation.
Studies conducted by scientists show that many culinary herbs and medicinal herbs contain significant amounts of antioxidants. Some of the many herbs that contain these antioxidants include garden sage, periwinkle, valerian, oregano, and gingko biloba. One teaspoon of fresh oregano has the same free-radical fighting qualities as a regular, medium sized apple. Fresh herbs have greater antioxidant concentrations, so are a better choice when possible, than dried or processed herbs.
Herbs often help alleviate right side neck pain and other pain by helping support the immune system, stimulating hormones, and reducing mild to severe inflammation. Herbal teas, extracts, creams, and juices have the ability to soothe nerves and muscles while moist, hot herbal packs relieve right side neck pain, increase blood circulation, and alleviate other body pains. Chronic pain including right side neck pain often causes other conditions or symptoms such as depression, insomnia, muscle spasms, and tension. While conventional pain and right side neck pain medications sometimes help remedy a side effect or two, many herb formulas often have the ability to remedy several or all the side effects. Some of these herbs include willow bark, valerian, burdock, and St. Johns Wort.
Willow bark, used to reduce inflammation and ease pain, including right side neck pain, is an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Some studies show that several of the willow bark components have immune-boosting, antiseptic, fever reducing, antioxidant properties but scientists are still doing more research. Children under sixteen or people that are sensitive or allergic to aspirin or other salicylic acid should not use willow bark. Some researchers suggest that people suffering from medical problems such as stomach ulcers, hemophilia, gastritis, gout, diabetes, and asthma should also avoid willow bark.
Although many herbs have wonderful healing powers that often help conditions such as right side neck pain, skin rashes, stomach ailments, allergies, emotional stress, and fatigue, it is best to talk to your physician before taking any herbs. Some condiment herbs such as, ginger, garlic, and parsley, are generally recognized by the FDA as safe. Many herbs, when used correctly, have few if any side effects but always talk to your doctor first, before taking any herb supplements.