A headache is pain felt in the head but sometimes pain that radiates to the upper back or neck causes head and neck pain symptoms. Muscular headaches such as tension headaches that often involve the tensing or tightening of neck and facial muscles are a common form of primary headache. The head and neck pain symptoms for a muscular headache is pain radiating from the eyes, back, neck, or other body muscle groups. Around four percent of the population suffers from chronic muscular or tension headaches. Although they do not know the exact cause of tension-type headaches, some scientists believe that the head and neck pain symptoms are often a result of muscle tension around the neck and head, stress, eyestrain, hunger, bad posture, uncomfortable positions, or sleep deprivation.
Cervicogenic headaches normally originate inside the neck structures causing head and neck pain symptoms. Many people do not understand how their neck could cause or be the source of their painful, severe headaches. Many experts believe that in the human body, one of the most vulnerable or unprotected parts are the neck, especially by the shoulder area. Prolonged neck movements can also cause head and neck pain symptoms often causing throbbing pains that move to the head area.
Doctors must examine their patients head and neck pain symptoms carefully because, like most types of headaches, it is not easy to diagnose a cervicogenic headache. No x-rays or medical tests can positively detect the presence of a cervicogenic headache. To find the source of the pain, it is important for a doctor to examine his or her patient carefully. Head and neck pain symptoms such as throbbing or severe pain caused by any type of headache can have a devastating effect on a person and cause performance problems at work, home, school, or socially. Along with the head and neck pain symptoms caused by cervicogenic headaches, other symptoms include nausea, eye pain from the back or inside of the eyes, and pounding, stabbing, severe pain from the neck region to the head area. Although cervicogenic headaches usually occur occasionally, in some cases the patient may experience regular episodes. Past severe head trauma can cause the head and neck pain symptoms of cervicogenic headaches.
Treatment used for cervicogenic headaches and the head and neck pain symptoms caused by it are, physical therapy and also drug injections, performed by a highly competent and skilled professional using x-ray guides. The human anatomy around the neck region is very complex so an injection error could lead to medical complications and serious injuries.