Many people, at one time or other, have experienced heart palpitations and it can be extremely frightening. A heart palpitation is being aware of the way your heart beats and whether it feels irregular, too fast, too slow, or normal. Upper back pain, also called upper middle or thoracic pain, occurs from the top of your shoulders to the top of your lumbar spine. The stable, strong upper spine’s job is to anchor your rib cage and support your upper body weight.
A person that experiences heart palpitations with upper back pain for the first time normally finds it a very frightening experience and even people that have experienced heart palpitations with upper back pain before never get used to it. Someone that has no know health problems and are in excellent physical shape can suddenly experience this. You should never ignore heart palpitations with upper back pain because it could be an indication of a serious medical problem or it may be nothing more than too much caffeine. Do not try to diagnose yourself, instead, call your doctor immediately for an appointment to find out the cause. Many people do not have healthcare coverage so they hesitate about going to the doctor or hospital. Unfortunately, too many people try to figure out their health problems such as heart palpitations with upper back pain alone. Call your doctor and make an appointment immediately because it could make a lot of difference in the outcome, even save your life.
There are many probable causes for heart palpitations with upper back pain such as arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat. Most of the time irregular heartbeat and heart palpitations with upper back pain are harmless but it can also be an indication of something more serious such as heart valve problems. Panic and anxiety disorders are sometimes a cause of heart palpitations with upper back pain. A panic attack is a type of anxiety disorder that causes a person to have recurrent periods of extreme terror. It can make them start to choke, feel faint and dizzy, panicky, and suffer heart palpitations with upper back pain. These attacks usually last from five minutes to half an hour and if left untreated, may lead to phobias. A generalized anxiety attack is being afraid or worrying about something that has not happened and blowing it out of proportion. Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms include loss of sleep, nausea, shortness of breath, muscle tension, dry mouth, trembling, and upper back pain. Although heart palpitations with upper back pain are frightening, never ignore them.