Back pains may cause intense pain, whether they are chronic or acute back pains, but they are still not considered as serious health disorders or ailments. When we have back pains, however, it can affect our entire daily routine. Back pain can be caused from many different things such as slipped disc, pinched nerve, a sprain in the muscles, the tissues, nerves or cartilage in the back. Strained muscles are the main cause of back pain.

There are many different kinds of treatments including physical therapy, surgery, pain medication, exercise and homeopathic back pain treatment.
Homeopathic back pain treatment, the use of natural methods such as herbs, vitamins and minerals, is becoming a choice for many as an alternative to the conventional treatment methods. Many of the supplements are used for lessening and eliminating the pain as well as helping the muscles, bones get stronger. Usually within a week of taking the supplements, the patient will begin to see some positive changes.

Some of the minerals and vitamins used to restore the strength to the cartilage and bones are magnesium, calcium, Vitamins C and D. These supplements should be taken on a regular basis not just for homeopathic back pain treatment, but also by anyone that is prone to back problems. Bromelain, which is an enzyme in pineapple, is effective in reducing inflammation and pain resulting from sports injuries, surgery and trauma to the back. Many hospitals use bromelain on their patients. Some other natural methods used in homeopathic back pain treatment are flaxseed, glucosamine and white willow. Flaxseed is used for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities, while white willow is good for pain relief and glucosamine as cartilage builder.

Homeopathic back pain treatment uses some supplements that are excellent as pain relievers such as amino acid methionine, S-adenosyl methionine, niacin and devil’s claw. These can also be taken with regular prescription pain relievers. Other homeopathic back pain treatment remedies use include:

• Aesculus-this is best used for patients that have lower back pain, especially in the sacrum region or those complaining of back stiffness.
• Berberis- this supplement is also used for lower back pain as well as pain that seems to shoot from the affected area to the hip or front of thighs. Patients that have pain that goes up and down the spine and may change in intensity will also benefit from the use of berberis for homeopathic back pain treatment.
• Natrum muriaticum is used in homeopathic back pain treatment where the patient is in a lot of pain along with having the area bruised. It’s also used in patients that complain about stiffness, numbness or tingling.
• Other popular remedies are ruta, sepia, calcarea fluorica and nux vomica.

Many of the homeopathic back pain treatments can be found at health stores.