Chronic Spinal Pain and Chiropractic. Significant Results.

Most people are aware that nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil, ibuprofen, Tylenol, or aspirin can, at times, be effective for general overall aches and pains. But what if pain is long-lasting? Is it good for a person to take Advil for long periods of...


Everyone has at least a rough idea of what a chiropractor does (ask most people and they’ll at least say ‘that’s a bone doctor, right?’) and so, the benefits of chiropractic care are sometimes obvious. There’s no doubt that someone with an injured knee will,...

Yoga for Neck and Upper Back Pain

Many people today live a very complex but inactive lifestyle due in part to long working hours, lack of outdoor activity, and repetitive, tedious occupations. This can lead to numerous health problems including neck and upper back pain. Factory workers that do...

Some of the Best Methods for Upper Back Pain Treatment

Upper back pain can strike any one of us at any time. Although it can be caused by a few different things such as ligament problems, in most cases, it’s caused by a muscle being pulled, stretched or strained. Possible causes of upper back pain may be overuse of...

Online Sports Physical Therapy Jobs

One of the biggest advantages of being trained for one of the sports physical therapy jobs that there is virtually a limitless supply of options open to you. Especially if you added a specialty to your degree, all kinds of medical offices and hospitals could easily...