Causes of Right Side Upper Back Pain

Right side upper back pain usually occurs between your lower back and neck, in the area where the spinal column and ribs join. Right side upper back pain may develop from torn or overstretched muscles and ligaments caused by injury, strain, or overuse. When there is...

Oh What a Pain This Is!….Cause of Lower Back Pain

If the pain in your back worsens, or you can’t find relief through moderate exercise and over the counter medications, it’s time to see a doctor to find the cause of lower back pain. There can be many reasons why you’re having back pain and they can extend...

Upper Back Pain Exercise and Other Treatments to Relieve Pain

When people experience upper back pain, many believe that any type of movement or exercise will aggravate their condition making the pain worse, so they choose bed rest or a minimum amount of movement. The truth is that upper back pain exercise and movement often...

Chiropractic Neck Manipulation and Upper Back Pain Treatments

Chiropractic is a method of treatment that manipulates the spine and other body structures to relieve pain. Many consider chiropractic a non-invasive, drug-free, safe therapy for treating neuro-musculoskeletal complaints such as back pain, joint pain in the legs or...

Having Sciatica Relief with Weight Loss is Much Anticipated

Many times when people are obese or even overweight, they will usually have some sort of back pain that is related to their sciatica. In fact, most of the time it is their sciatica that is causing the pain; due to the abundance of weight on it. Because some many...