Choices in Chiropractic Tables

There is a lot to see in a chiropractor’s office. You are likely to see therapy tables, exercise equipment, X ray machines, and all kinds of implements for healing the body. The one piece of equipment no chiropractor can do without though, is his or her...

Diagnostic Evaluation of Low Back Pain

Lower back pain affects both men and women of all ages. It can limit the life of the person it affects and can often prevent them from earning a living. As such, only a physician can make a proper diagnostic evaluation of low back pain. When visiting a doctor for your...

Chiropractic Neck Manipulation and Upper Back Pain Treatments

Chiropractic is a method of treatment that manipulates the spine and other body structures to relieve pain. Many consider chiropractic a non-invasive, drug-free, safe therapy for treating neuro-musculoskeletal complaints such as back pain, joint pain in the legs or...


There is literally a treasure trove of misinformation available on the subject of chiropractic care. You will find below a list of some of the more popular myths of chiropractic care as well as the truth: Chiropractic adjustments will loosen the spine- This myth is...

Stretching Upper Back Pain Exercises Help Improve Postural Strength

An injured upper back or thoracic back caused by stress, overwork, trauma, irritated muscles, lack of back strength, and poor posture can cause you from mild to severe pain and effect the way you live your life. Some people try to ignore their back pain and continue...