Diagnostic Evaluation of Low Back Pain

Lower back pain affects both men and women of all ages. It can limit the life of the person it affects and can often prevent them from earning a living. As such, only a physician can make a proper diagnostic evaluation of low back pain. When visiting a doctor for your...

Non-surgical Treatment for Chronic Back Pain Is Often the Best

Chronic back pain affects thousands of people every year. Whether it’s from the result of an accident, stress on the back, pulled muscle or some unknown reason, the pain is still the same. There are many different types of treatment offered for this painful...

Are you willing to Try Experimental Back Pain Treatment?

Many people in the United States suffer from back pain. In fact, back pain affects up to 80% of the population at one time or another. Millions of dollars are spent each year for the treatment of back pain. Back pain is also the number two reason for loss time from...

Low Back Pain

Low back pain does not discriminate. It affects everyone, at any age, for a variety of reasons. Low back pain affects people’s work, daily routine, and recreation. Americans spend about $50 billion or more each year on low back pain. It is the most common reason...

Know All the Causes and Treatment of Lower Back Pain

Of all the people that suffer from back pain, the majority of them have lower back pain. There are many causes and treatment of lower back pain. Lower back pain affects people almost all ages, with those between 30 and 50 years of age being the most common. Teenagers...