Uses of Physical Therapy in Sports

Physical therapy was originally intended to help surgery patients and those suffering from diseases and disorders that affect the muscle system and the skeletal system. Then someone got the bright idea that physical therapy in sports situations could easily help...

Find an Office Like Hills’ Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy

Accidents happen. It’s an often unpleasant fact of life. However when the accident occurs while participating in your favorite sport, on the job site, or by no fault of your own, you want the best care possible to reduce pain and restore your natural range of...

What Is Physical Therapy

What is physical therapy? We all know the words and have a vague notion of what it does and what it can accomplish but chances are physical therapy is more in depth that you realize. Physical therapy is as old as Greece. During the 1800’s physical therapists formed...

Back Pain: Practical Ways To Restore Health Using Complementary

How many other people suffer back pain besides yourself? Almost everybody, experts say. And, like the common cold, there seems to be no cure for back pain, but there are many ways you can relieve its effects. While back pain is the most common reason people see a...

Have an Active Life and Sports Physical Therapy

A lot of people have this partially cooked idea that if you are attending physical therapy sessions, your life as an active person is over. Nothing could be further from the truth. An active life and sports physical therapy are very compatible to each other. The whole...