Physiotherapy Jobs for People With the Helping Gene

With so many accidents, illnesses, diseases and disorders cropping up in the modern it is of little wonder why more and more hospitals, clinics and private practices advertise openings for various physiotherapy jobs. Some physiotherapy jobs require the physical...

Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy – The Correlation

Introduction Sports medicine is one of the leading fields of medicines in the present times especially with the advent of competitive sports at an amazingly fast pace. The amount and high extent of such form of sports have further led to an increasing number of...

Physiotherapy Couch Basics

One of the most important piece of equipment used by physical therapists is a physiotherapy couch, or bench. This flat cushioned, vinyl covered chair, bed, table, or couch on an adjustable frame is where the client lays or sits during a therapy session. It is usually...

Results Physiotherapy, Professional Care for Every Body

Results Physiotherapy is a collection of centers and practices scattered throughout the state of Tennessee which boast a team of experienced physical therapists from various fields of medicine. At present, the centers are located in fourteen areas inside the state,...

Physicians and Sports Medicine

Introduction A sport medicine physician is basically a physician who has a specialized training and is responsible for lifelong fitness and wellness of his patients, along with encouraging prevention of illness and injury. The core function of a sports medicine...