Massage Therapy—A Return To Ancient, Proven Healing

With so many modern medical advances, it has been easy to lose sight of many proven, natural, old-world techniques like massage therapy; as those advances continue to move forward, as a culture we often revert back to the more natural, well-proven techniques for...

Sports Medicine Journal – News and Information Resources

Introduction Sports medicine is one of the fastest developing branches of medicine. With an increasing number of individuals opting for competitive sports, the role of sports medicine has increased manifold in the last few years. This trend has also further led to an...

Have an Active Life and Sports Physical Therapy

A lot of people have this partially cooked idea that if you are attending physical therapy sessions, your life as an active person is over. Nothing could be further from the truth. An active life and sports physical therapy are very compatible to each other. The whole...

Get the Help You Need Through Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy, also known as Physical Therapy, is a profession in health care that uses physical means to treat a diagnosed illness, disability or disorder. Its function is to help improve physical performance and, with constant vigilance, maintain mobility...