Different Procedures for Chronic Back Pain

Back pain is an ailment that affects 90% of Americans at one time or another in their lives. It is also the largest reason people go to see doctors. Lower back pain and chronic back pain is a main reason for many disabilities in the work force as well as at home. Each...

Left Lower Back Pain

There are many reasons why people suffer left lower back pain. Exercising too much or repetitive lifting of heavy objects can lead to muscle strain in this area. Poor posture and obesity also adds strain to the left lower back. Wear and tear on the back as well as...

Correct Early Sciatica Treatment Can Make All the Difference

In many cases, sciatica will heal on its own in a few days or sometimes week. There are times, however, when the patient will have bouts of pain or recurring flare-ups of sciatic pain. If this happens, it’s probably a sign that some sort of sciatic treatment...

Lower Right Back Pain Treatment May Indicate Specific Problems

Lower back pain can affect anyone at any time, although the age that is most affected in from 17 through 45, when people are in their most productive years. Lower back pain may come on either side of the back. Your doctor can recommend a lower left or lower right back...